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Archive for September 2014
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ヴェネツィアのゆうめいなきょうかい |
I was really surprised at the direction that Miyamoto-sensei's lecture took. I came in expecting an analysis on Godzilla and its effects on shaping the Japanese view on nuclear bombs. Instead she delivered an interesting lecture on various topics, most prominently on the national narratives of both the US and Japan and the feminist associations of Japan in a post-WWII world.
There were a few parts of the lecture that had me confused. What effects did the perceived trivialization and feminization that Miyamoto-sensei talked about actually have on the perception of the bomb in Japan? I recall that she did say that the Japanese prime ministers did not commemorate the bombings until the 80s, and it was unofficial back then. Adding on to that, Miyamoto-sensei talked about the different interpretations of Godzilla through various critics, but how did the common Japanese man perceive the movie? And how has the successful creation of a Godzilla franchise shaped that perception?
Sister Hamada's admiration of Cardinal O'Hara surprised me. I never would have thought that a former president of Notre Dame would have anything to do with the reconstruction of Nagasaki. The conviction and strength of the school in the aftermath of the bombing was touching; despite losing over 200 out of 700 students, the school reopened and kept running.
It must have been incredibly tough to be openly Catholic during a time where Japan did not accept Christianity--especially being such a small minority in the country. Many of the pictures that Sister Hamada showed, however, were quite heartwarming. The nuns that sewed their own habits with sewing machines sent by Cardinal O'Hara showed the school's courage and resilience.
Sister Hamada's admiration of Cardinal O'Hara surprised me. I never would have thought that a former president of Notre Dame would have anything to do with the reconstruction of Nagasaki. The conviction and strength of the school in the aftermath of the bombing was touching; despite losing over 200 out of 700 students, the school reopened and kept running.
It must have been incredibly tough to be openly Catholic during a time where Japan did not accept Christianity--especially being such a small minority in the country. Many of the pictures that Sister Hamada showed, however, were quite heartwarming. The nuns that sewed their own habits with sewing machines sent by Cardinal O'Hara showed the school's courage and resilience.
妹も大学生ですから、たくさんお金がひつよう(Need)です。アメリカの大学は高すぎます。今母は私たちのために(For our sake)たくさんしごとをして、たいへんなんです。私の大学の方が妹の大学より高いですから、二つのアルバイトをします。私はてつだいたい(want to help)。妹の勉強はとてもむずかしいから、時間がないんです。でも、私の勉強はまだむずかしくなるから、はたらけます。
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かせい人(Martians)のしろ(Castle)です |
見ているアニメの中で、このアニメは私の一番好きなアニメですよ。大きいメカがあって、かこいい主人公(Main character)があって、おもしろいプロットがありますよ。かせい人(Martians)はしんりゃくしゃ(Invaders)なんです!ぜひ見てください!
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主人公のかいずかいなほです |
ほかの好きなアニメは「東京グーるー」です。このアニメはちょっと暗くて、うっとうし(Gloomy)だけど、とてもいいアニメです。この世界でグールー(Ghouls)は人間(Humans)を食べたいから、人間はグールーをたたかっているんです(Fighting against)。でも、グールーはばけもの(Monsters)じゃないですよ。ふつう(Normal)の食べ物を食べることができない(cannot)から、人間を食べます。人間の中でやさしい人がいて、グールーの中でもいるんです。
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「東京グールー」のきりしまとうかです |