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Archive for 2014
さいきん、あまりアニメを見ていないんですよ。どうしてですか? たくすんまんがを読んでいましたから。 先週の前に、まんがを見たことがありませんでしたが、「アニメをよく見たら、まんがもよく読まなければなりないんですよ!」とかんがえたので、まんがを読むのをはじめました。日本語でまんがを読むために、漢字を復習しておきましたが、読めません。だから、英語で読んでしまったんです。
私の一番好きなまんがは「キングダム」ですけど、「神の塔」もおもしろいです。今、むずかしすぎるから、このまんがについてせつめいできません。とにかく、両方ともおもしろいとおもいます。 ぜひ読んで下さい!
私の一番好きなまんがは「キングダム」ですけど、「神の塔」もおもしろいです。今、むずかしすぎるから、このまんがについてせつめいできません。とにかく、両方ともおもしろいとおもいます。 ぜひ読んで下さい!
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「神の塔」の主人子 |
一ヶ月前に母に電話をかけました。 母は「私はとてもいそがしいから、家に帰れないんですよ」と言いましたから、秋休みにノーたるダム大学にいました。仕事がありますえん。宿題もありません。とてもひまなんですよ!「この秋休みはやのしそうだ」とかんがえていましたけど、南の学食も北の学食も秋休みにしまりましたから、生きるために、毎日食べ物をさがしていったんです。 たいていファストフードのレストランで食べて、ちょっときもちわるいと思ったんです。
もちろん、時間があったから、たくさんアニメを見たんですが、たぶん見すぎたんですよ。今、二十アニメを見ていますよ!秋のアニメはとてもおもしろいと思います。たとえば「Fate/stay night」と「寄生獣 セイの格率」。
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Fate/stay night |
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寄生獣 セイの格率 (英語:Parasyte) |
とくに、私は甘城ブリリアントパーク(英語:Amagi Brilliant Park)がすきなんですよ。このアニメのキャラクターはとてもかわいいとおもいます。
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甘城ブリリアントパーク(英語:Amagi Brilliant Park) |
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ヴェネツィアのゆうめいなきょうかい |
I was really surprised at the direction that Miyamoto-sensei's lecture took. I came in expecting an analysis on Godzilla and its effects on shaping the Japanese view on nuclear bombs. Instead she delivered an interesting lecture on various topics, most prominently on the national narratives of both the US and Japan and the feminist associations of Japan in a post-WWII world.
There were a few parts of the lecture that had me confused. What effects did the perceived trivialization and feminization that Miyamoto-sensei talked about actually have on the perception of the bomb in Japan? I recall that she did say that the Japanese prime ministers did not commemorate the bombings until the 80s, and it was unofficial back then. Adding on to that, Miyamoto-sensei talked about the different interpretations of Godzilla through various critics, but how did the common Japanese man perceive the movie? And how has the successful creation of a Godzilla franchise shaped that perception?
Sister Hamada's admiration of Cardinal O'Hara surprised me. I never would have thought that a former president of Notre Dame would have anything to do with the reconstruction of Nagasaki. The conviction and strength of the school in the aftermath of the bombing was touching; despite losing over 200 out of 700 students, the school reopened and kept running.
It must have been incredibly tough to be openly Catholic during a time where Japan did not accept Christianity--especially being such a small minority in the country. Many of the pictures that Sister Hamada showed, however, were quite heartwarming. The nuns that sewed their own habits with sewing machines sent by Cardinal O'Hara showed the school's courage and resilience.
Sister Hamada's admiration of Cardinal O'Hara surprised me. I never would have thought that a former president of Notre Dame would have anything to do with the reconstruction of Nagasaki. The conviction and strength of the school in the aftermath of the bombing was touching; despite losing over 200 out of 700 students, the school reopened and kept running.
It must have been incredibly tough to be openly Catholic during a time where Japan did not accept Christianity--especially being such a small minority in the country. Many of the pictures that Sister Hamada showed, however, were quite heartwarming. The nuns that sewed their own habits with sewing machines sent by Cardinal O'Hara showed the school's courage and resilience.
妹も大学生ですから、たくさんお金がひつよう(Need)です。アメリカの大学は高すぎます。今母は私たちのために(For our sake)たくさんしごとをして、たいへんなんです。私の大学の方が妹の大学より高いですから、二つのアルバイトをします。私はてつだいたい(want to help)。妹の勉強はとてもむずかしいから、時間がないんです。でも、私の勉強はまだむずかしくなるから、はたらけます。
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かせい人(Martians)のしろ(Castle)です |
見ているアニメの中で、このアニメは私の一番好きなアニメですよ。大きいメカがあって、かこいい主人公(Main character)があって、おもしろいプロットがありますよ。かせい人(Martians)はしんりゃくしゃ(Invaders)なんです!ぜひ見てください!
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主人公のかいずかいなほです |
ほかの好きなアニメは「東京グーるー」です。このアニメはちょっと暗くて、うっとうし(Gloomy)だけど、とてもいいアニメです。この世界でグールー(Ghouls)は人間(Humans)を食べたいから、人間はグールーをたたかっているんです(Fighting against)。でも、グールーはばけもの(Monsters)じゃないですよ。ふつう(Normal)の食べ物を食べることができない(cannot)から、人間を食べます。人間の中でやさしい人がいて、グールーの中でもいるんです。
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「東京グールー」のきりしまとうかです |
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おいしそうですね! |
母はいつもWhole Foodsに買い物をしに行きます。Whole Foodsでいいやさいとくだ物がありますから、母はWhole Foodsが好きです。よくWhole Foodsに行って、ちかくのTrader Joe'sにも行きます。私の家で何かおいしい物がいつもあります!
新しい「フェイト/ステイナイト」アニメがもうすぐ来るそうですよ。 アニメスタジオはUfotableですから、このアニメはとてもおもしろそうです。
「フェイト/ステイナイト」はビジュアルノベル(Visual novel)から来ましたよ。 とてもいいビジュアルノベルなんです。 おもしろいものがたりとかっこいキャラクターがあります。
「フェイト/ステイナイト」はビジュアルノベル(Visual novel)から来ましたよ。 とてもいいビジュアルノベルなんです。 おもしろいものがたりとかっこいキャラクターがあります。
今、私は「魔法科高校の劣等生」(The Irregular at Magic High School)と「ノーゲーム・ノーライフ」と「デート・ア・ライブⅡ」と「蟲師 続章」(Mushi-shi Zoku Shou)を見ています。すぐほかのアニメも見ています。
「ノーゲーム・ノーライフ」はとてもおもしろいアニメです。This show is about a brother and sister who are NEETs (a young person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training). They happen to be the world's best gamers and are magically teleported to another world by a god. In this world, they discover, the entire world is ruled by games (poker, chess, etc). The reason why I like this show is because the main characters aren't just good at video gamers, they have incredible intelligence and use game theory to always achieve victory. It's just fascinating watching the main character set up a game where he has almost 0% chance of winning, yet through cunning maneuvers, ends up winning.
「デート・ア・ライブⅡ」is just the second season to the somewhat popular Date A Live anime. Pretty bad so far due to bland characters and lackluster writing.
今、私は「魔法科高校の劣等生」(The Irregular at Magic High School)と「ノーゲーム・ノーライフ」と「デート・ア・ライブⅡ」と「蟲師 続章」(Mushi-shi Zoku Shou)を見ています。すぐほかのアニメも見ています。
「魔法科高校の劣等生」はさいこうだよ(the best)!このアニメのなかでまほう(magic)とかわいい女の人がありますから、好きだ。The primary reason I like it, however, is because of the "perfect" main character. Ironically, that reason is why many people also hate the show. In any case, the show takes place in a magical high school but hints at somewhat deeper themes like disparity between different social classes, although I'm not expecting this show to be "deep" in any sense.
「ノーゲーム・ノーライフ」はとてもおもしろいアニメです。This show is about a brother and sister who are NEETs (a young person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training). They happen to be the world's best gamers and are magically teleported to another world by a god. In this world, they discover, the entire world is ruled by games (poker, chess, etc). The reason why I like this show is because the main characters aren't just good at video gamers, they have incredible intelligence and use game theory to always achieve victory. It's just fascinating watching the main character set up a game where he has almost 0% chance of winning, yet through cunning maneuvers, ends up winning.
「デート・ア・ライブⅡ」is just the second season to the somewhat popular Date A Live anime. Pretty bad so far due to bland characters and lackluster writing.
「蟲師 続章」は私の友達の一番好きなアニメです。This show is the second season to the universally acclaimed Mushishi, adored by many including most of my friends. There's not much to say about this show other than everyone who is an anime fan should try the first season. This is a fantastic show to watch one episode of right before you sleep.
I plan to watch many more shows from this season, of course.
私はどこにも行きましたから、春休みはちょっとつまらなかったです。 でも、私はたくさノータルダムでゆっくりしました。 ゲームをして、アニメをみて、まんがをよみました。 ぜんぜんいそがしくありませんでした!
私は「屍鬼」(Shiki) と「空の境界」(Kara no kyoukai) をみました。「屍鬼」も「空の境界」はとてもこわいアニメですけど、とてもいいアニメです。このアニメの中にたくさん血(Blood)があります。
「屍鬼」のキャラクター--桐敷沙子 (Kirishiki Sunako) |
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「空の境界」のメインキャラクター--両儀 式 (Ryougi Shiki) |
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「凪のあすから」の一番かわいいキャラクター--向井戸 まなか (Mukaido Manaka) |
私はユニットテストのあとで、コンピューターで「EVE Online」のゲームをしました。 とてもたのしいゲームですが、むずかしいです! 「EVE Online」はMMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)で、だから「EVE Online」の中にたくさんところがあります。 たいてい、私はうちゅうせん(Spaceships)でほかの人とたたかいます(fight others)。 私は大きいのうちゅうせんの方が小さいのより好きです。でも、大きいのはたかいです。ざんねんですね。
たたかうのが一番好きですが、つかうのも好きです。「EVE Online」の中でたくさんものがあるので、a lot of people are required to make these items since the market is completely player run. ときどきうちゅうせんやMissilesやLaser beamsやRailgunsをつくります。
EVE Online is a sandbox game where you can do almost anything in a cool sci-fi world! Just take a look at this chart of some things you can do:
There is also a large Japanese community of players, but because of the time zone difference, I never get to practice my Japanese with them :(
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「EVE Online」の大きいたたかい(battle) |
EVE Online is a sandbox game where you can do almost anything in a cool sci-fi world! Just take a look at this chart of some things you can do:
There is also a large Japanese community of players, but because of the time zone difference, I never get to practice my Japanese with them :(
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私の好きなうちゅうせん:the "Legion" |
Recently, I've been getting into ビジュアル ノベル (visual novels). Essentially, these are semi-interactive stories that involve anime style art and static graphics. I like them because they combine both the intricate storytelling of books with the visuals of anime and manga. They often have many different routes which lead to different endings (most of the time the different routes follow different romantic pursuits). So far I've played mostly the famous ones, for specifically: Fate/stay Night, G Senjou no Maou, Katawa Shoujo, and Tsukihime. But today, I'd like to talk about the visual novel Rewrite (リライト).
Rewrite is a visual novel made by Key, one of the most prominent developers of visual novels, and follows the story of Tennouji Kotarou. It's generally considered a romance visual novel with a lot of fantasy elements and comedic parts. There are roughly 6 routes --5 character routes and a true route. There's also the legendary "oppai" route to reward the player after they complete the whole game (don't worry, it's completely safe for kids, just a little bit on the perverted side).
The story is filled with funny, slice of life moments in the beginning, but after certain events occur, the story will turn serious in nearly all of the routes. The grand scope of feelings that Rewrite gives to the reader is why it is one of the greatest piece of entertainment I've ever seen. The plot is slightly above average in terms of complexity, but that's good since overly complex plots tend to not convey their greatness very well to most people.
I won't lie; I shed quite a few tears during some of the routes. In fact, I can recall a specific scene where I noticed I had tears rolling down both of my cheeks! I would not go as far to say that the emotional moments are "beautiful" really. For the most part they're simple in nature, it's just that the attachment the reader gets to these characters is immense.
Visual novels take a while to get through since they are novels after all. Most take at the very least 30 hours if you read fast, some take upwards of 100 hours if you go at the pace the lines are read (quite a few visual novels are voiced). Rewrite takes roughly 50 hours for a fast reader, and it should take around 120 hours if read at the pace the lines are voiced. Despite these daunting times, you should not be off put since this isn't like watching some mediocre anime or playing video games--good visual novels like Rewrite are not only entertaining, but they also teach lessons like most good books do. Rewrite is full of messages concerning small things such as changing oneself to adapt to the world to larger things such as the future survivability of the planet in this age of pollution.
And here is the opening itself:
Anyway, I highly recommend Rewrite and visual novels in general to anyone. Although it's probably best suited to those who have at least some experience in anime or manga. Since visual novels aren't exactly mainstream here, you'll have to torrent them and also depending on how famous/popular the visual novel is, you may have to tinker around a bit to install and play the game (less popular visual novels tend to have less effort focused on making it easy to play). Also many visual novels are not translated yet since translation is a colossal task (over 100,000 lines of text in Rewrite alone had to be translated)!
If I haven't scared you off or bored you to death, and you're interested in getting into visual novels, then leave a comment. I'll help you out to the best of my ability.
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Rewrite main menu |
The story is filled with funny, slice of life moments in the beginning, but after certain events occur, the story will turn serious in nearly all of the routes. The grand scope of feelings that Rewrite gives to the reader is why it is one of the greatest piece of entertainment I've ever seen. The plot is slightly above average in terms of complexity, but that's good since overly complex plots tend to not convey their greatness very well to most people.
I won't lie; I shed quite a few tears during some of the routes. In fact, I can recall a specific scene where I noticed I had tears rolling down both of my cheeks! I would not go as far to say that the emotional moments are "beautiful" really. For the most part they're simple in nature, it's just that the attachment the reader gets to these characters is immense.
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In game screenshot featuring Ohtori Chihaya, one of my favorite heroines |
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Ohtori Sakuya, my favorite character in the entire novel |
Lastly, the soundtrack is perfect for this novel. Key always does a good job with picking the right composers for their visual novels. For example, here is one of the background sound tracks:
Anyway, I highly recommend Rewrite and visual novels in general to anyone. Although it's probably best suited to those who have at least some experience in anime or manga. Since visual novels aren't exactly mainstream here, you'll have to torrent them and also depending on how famous/popular the visual novel is, you may have to tinker around a bit to install and play the game (less popular visual novels tend to have less effort focused on making it easy to play). Also many visual novels are not translated yet since translation is a colossal task (over 100,000 lines of text in Rewrite alone had to be translated)!
If I haven't scared you off or bored you to death, and you're interested in getting into visual novels, then leave a comment. I'll help you out to the best of my ability.
先年のあきのアニメはとてもよかったです! たくさんおもしろいアニメがあるので、たくさんアニメが好きでした。 私の一番好きなアニメは「ホウイトアルバム2」ですが、「俺の脳内選択肢が、学園ラブコメを全力で邪魔している」(のうこめ)と「境界の彼方」(きょうかいのかなた)もすきでした。 もちろん、ほかの(other)アニメをみました。
「ホウイトアルバム2」(White Album 2) follows the story of third year high schooler Haruki Kitahara who meets two (quite beautiful) girls and forms a sort of band with them, with the goal of playing at the cultural festival together. It's adapted from a relatively famous visual novel of the same name (which I hope to play once it's fully translated) and contains a lot of old school high school romance and drama, albeit a bit more mature than your typical high school drama. For a large portion of the anime, the show has a musical side as seen in the video I posted. Either way, I highly recommend this show to anyone who enjoys romance and drama; this show was so great that it earned a spot as my #5 favorite anime (which isn't too bad considering I've seen over 250 shows).
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「ホウイトアルバム2」のきれいな main female characters ひだり:せつな おぎそ|みぎ:とうま かずさ 私はかずささんの方がおぎそさんより好きです :) |
じゃあ、先年のあきのアニメはどうでしたか? アニメをみましたか? あきのアニメの中でなにが好きでしたか?